Hello, my name is
Sheikh Mohammad Nazmul Hasan
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About me

I'm Nazmul

Hi, I'm Sheikh Mohammad Nazmul Hasan, a detail-oriented Front-End Developer with expertise in React.js, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. My passion lies in crafting pixel-perfect user interfaces that seamlessly blend creativity with functionality. From concept to deployment, I thrive on turning ideas into immersive digital experiences. Let's build the future together!


My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

Experienced web developer specializing in front-end technologies, including HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, and React.js. Proficient in Firebase and Material-UI for dynamic and visually appealing applications. Comfortable with Node.js, Express.js, Next.js, and MongoDB for seamless full-stack development. Strong version control skills using Git. Passionate about pushing the boundaries of web development to create cutting-edge solutions.

JavaScript 70%
React.js 75%
Tailwind Css 90%
Node.js 40%
Express.js 60%
MongoDB 65%


ParcelSync - Parcel Management System

This project is a full-stack delivery system web application built to streamline parcel bookings,deliveries, and management. It includes features for users, delivery personnel, and administrators.

Multi-User Roles and Permissions.

Dynamic Parcel Assignment and Delivery Tracking.

Comprehensive Analytics Dashboard.



#React Router


#Tailwind CSS





CraveCrafter - Restaurant Management Website

CraveCrafter is a full-stack restaurant website that allows users to discover and savor an exquisite array of culinary delights. This project focuses on creating a visually appealing and feature-rich experience for users, enabling them to view, add, modify, and delete food items. Users can also enjoy blog content that answers common questions about web development and databases.

Contribute to the menu by adding new food items.

Register and login to access user-specific features.

Users can manage profile, including viewing added food items, adding new items, and viewing ordered items.



#React Router


#Tailwind CSS





TechTrove - Brand Shop

This is an e-commerce website built using React Router, MongoDB, and Node.js. It allows users to view product details, update product information, add products to their cart, and manage their cart contents. To access certain features, users must be logged in.

Users can sign up and log in to access product details, update product information, and add products to their cart.

Unauthenticated users can only browse products without access to specific details.

Cart contents are saved in MongoDB and displayed on the "My Cart" page.



#React Router


#Tailwind CSS





Contact me

Get in Touch

I am a hard-working, reliable web developer. I love being in this line of work because I am passionate about technology, design, and innovation.

Sheikh Mohammad Nazmul Hasan
Rangpur, Bangladesh
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